Just Getting By –a film on Vermonters struggling with food and housing insecurity
plays Milton - March 25th 6:30 PM.
Just Getting By, an award-winning documentary film by Bess O’Brien focused on Vermonters struggling with food and housing insecurity will play the Milton High School Auditorium on Tuesday March 25, 2025 at 6:30 PM. Tickets are by food donation to the Milton Family Community Food Shelf at the door. Director Bess O’Brien will be part of a special Q and A after the film.
Just Getting By is a sweeping, and yet intimate look at the lives of Vermonters who are struggling with food and housing insecurity. Vermont has the second highest rate of homeless people in the United States, right after California. One third of Vermonters struggle to put food on the table. These are big issues for a small state. Just Getting By focuses on these issues in the lives of everyday people.
The film tells the stories of working families, folks who are homeless and accessing food shelves and soup kitchens and people who are living in temporary hotel/motel programs. In addition, the film focuses on New Americans grappling with the cost of living in America, Native people creating innovative farming practices and folks on the ground providing services to their fellow Vermonters in need.
Just Getting By explores the day to day challenges and incredible resiliency that low-income Vermonters bear witness to every day.
The film was shot during 2022-23 by director Bess O’Brien and cinematographer Patrick Kennedy. “We wanted to capture the day to day lives of Vermonters who were living paycheck to paycheck and who were struggling to keep food on the table and a roof over their head. We also wanted to show the incredible resiliency and courage of folks who have very little and still manage to get up every day and strive for a better life.” O’Brien says.
For more information go to: https://kingdomcounty.org/bess-obrien-films/just-getting-by or email Bess at [email protected].