Team Prospect 2019-2020
Jason Ballard -BI
Bethany Berger -BI
Tony Burton -SS
Stacey Endres -ELA
Paul Erena -Program Specialist
Jackie Fagan -IA
Leah Genzlinger -SPED Math
Tami Koester -SLP
Francine Lemnah -Math
Kim Odachowski -School Counselor
Cyndy Turmel -IA
Duncan Wardwell -Science
Jennifer York -SPED Literacy
Bethany Berger -BI
Tony Burton -SS
Stacey Endres -ELA
Paul Erena -Program Specialist
Jackie Fagan -IA
Leah Genzlinger -SPED Math
Tami Koester -SLP
Francine Lemnah -Math
Kim Odachowski -School Counselor
Cyndy Turmel -IA
Duncan Wardwell -Science
Jennifer York -SPED Literacy
Team Prospect sends out a weekly email with curriculum highlights and
other important team news. Please keep your email contact updated
with Main Office.
other important team news. Please keep your email contact updated
with Main Office.
Check Unified Classroom for other info and student assessment data.
Contact student ADVISORY teacher or OFFICE if you have any questions,
comments, or concerns.
comments, or concerns.
Students may check out our Prospect bulletin board opposite Rm 205 &
206 for updated lists and schedules.